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- #
- | README file for
- |
- | ELSA WINNER Windows disk containing Windows NT 3.51 drivers
- | Version 4.03
- |
- | WINNER 1000PRO/X
- |
- | Copyright (c) 1993-96 ELSA GmbH, Aachen (Germany)
- |
- | Subsidary:
- | ELSA GmbH ELSA Inc.
- | Sonnenweg 11 2150 Trade Zone Blvd.
- | D-52070 Aachen Suite 101
- | Germany San Jose, CA 95131
- | USA
- |
- | Phone : +49-241-9177-0 Phone: +1-408-935-0350
- | Support Fax: +49-241-9177-213 Phone: 1-800-272-ELSA
- | BBS (modem): +49-241-9177-981 Fax : +1-408-935-0370
- | BBS (ISDN) : +49-241-9177-7800 BBS : +1-408-935-0380
- | CompuServe : GO ELSA CIS : GO ELSA
- | WWW : http://www.elsa.de WWW : http://www.elsa.com
- |
- | Mai 15th 1996, db, fi
- Table of Contents:
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Installation
- 3 Changing the resolution after installation
- 4 Additional Configuration Options
- 5 History
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 Introduction
- This file explains how to install and configure an ELSA graphics
- driver for Windows NT.
- 1.1 List of files
- The directory with the ELSA graphics driver for Windows NT
- contains the following files:
- TXTSETUP.OEM Script file for setup at boot time
- OEMSETUP.INF Script file for Microsoft SETUP.EXE
- WINNER.SYS ELSA WINNER ( Miniport driver
- WINNER.DLL ELSA WINNER ( Display driver
- WINNERMB.DLL ELSA WINNER ( Multi-Display driver
- WINCTRL.CPL Display control app.
- WINCTRLD.WRI German manual for WinCtrl
- WINCTRLE.WRI English manual for WinCtrl
- WINCTDEU.DLL Language extensions for WINCTRL
- WINCTENG.DLL Language extensions for WINCTRL
- WIN_CTRS.DLL Performance monitor tool
- WIN_CTRS.INI For performance monitor tool
- GLNCTRNM.H For performance monitor tool
- README.TXT The file you are reading
- LIESMICH.TXT German version of the file README.TXT
- DISK1 Identifier for the first disk
- DISK2 Identifier for the second disk
- 3DOGLDRV.DLL 3DLabs driver for OpenGL support
- 1.2 How to determine the driver's version number
- There are a few posibilities to get the version number for an
- ELSA NT graphics driver.
- 1.2.1 Using the Control Panel
- Start the control panel (CONTROL.EXE) and select the icon
- "Display". There, click the button "Change Display Type". In the
- following dialog the version number is displayed in the box
- driver information.
- NOTE The driver has to be installed to use this feature!
- NOTE Due to a non-ELSA problem the version number is only
- displayed in an US-english installation if Windows NT.
- 1.2.2 Using WinCtrl
- Choose the Icon "ELSA WinCtrl" in the control panel. Above the
- exit-buttons the version number is displayed.
- NOTE The driver has to be installed to use this feature!
- 1.2.3 Using the File Manager
- Use the File Manager to watch the file properties for either
- one of the files WINNER.SYS, WINNER.DLL or WINNERMB.DLL. The
- files can be found in the directory System32\Drivers and
- System32 of your Windows NT.
- 1.2.4 With the readme-file
- Read the entries belonging to WINNER.SYS, WINNER.DLL and
- WINNERMB.DLL in paragraph 1.1 in the file LIESMICH.TXT or
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2 Installation
- NOTE To install the ELSA drivers, use the typical installation
- procedure as described in the Microsoft Windows NT
- manual.
- 2.1 Installation during system installation
- During the first or a new customized installation of Windows NT
- you will be asked to accept the hard- and software components.
- In this text screen titled "Windows NT Workstation Setup" setup
- tries to determine your computers hard- and software. Here
- don't accept "The above list matches my computer" and select the
- line after the text "Display:". In the following screen select
- "Other (Requires disk provided by a hardware manufacturer)".
- You will be sked to insert a disk into drive A:. Insert disk 1,
- press ENTER and select one of the provided resolutions. Accept
- the list, if matches your computer. Continue the installation
- following all instructions. Later you will be asked to change
- the diskettes.
- During the installation you have to restart your computer. It
- is now bootet in graphics mode. Later on the dialog "Display
- settings" enables you to change the default resolution. Read
- chapter 3.
- NOTE If you select Express setup you┤re not able to change
- the display driver. In this case read chapter 2.2.
- NOTE You cannot install from CD. You have to create
- installation disks (2.2.1).
- 2.2 Later installation
- Open the "Control panel" window in the "Main" program group
- and select "Display" to start the "Display Control Application".
- Click on "Change Display Type..." and select "Change..." in the
- upcoming "Display Type" dialog. A "Select Device" dialog appears
- where you can see the already available device drivers
- (Listbox: "Models").
- NOTE The entry "ELSA Winner 1000" in this listbox will
- install the general purpose S3 driver designed by
- Microsoft and NOT the ELSA drivers!
- NOTE The installation from CD ROM is not possible.
- Please copy all files from the subdirectory
- \WINNT35 on a disk or your harddisk.
- Choose "Other..." to install the ELSA drivers. Windows NT
- prompts you to enter a path where it can find the drivers.
- Change the default "A:\" to the path where to find the
- driver files e.g. "D:\WINNER\2000PROX\WINNT35\I386" or to the
- corresponding directory and confirm with "OK".
- The "Select Device" dialog's "Models" listbox is now extended
- by an ELSA specific entry: "ELSA WINNER Vxxx". Highlight this
- entry and click on "Install".
- IMPORTANT A simple "OK" at this point will discard
- your selection.
- Please confirm the "Installing Driver" box and select "New"
- in the "Windows NT Setup" dialog to ensure that the new drivers
- will be loaded. Select the "Installing Driver" box and the hint
- that the driver couldn't be started dynamically.
- NOTE With Windows NT 3.5 graphic drivers cannot be loaded
- dynamically. This is not an ELSA limitation.
- To activate the ELSA driver, please press "Restart Now",
- otherwise select "Don't Restart Now".
- When you've selected "Restart Now", the system will reboot and
- the initial installation is finished.
- NOTE Windows NT 3.51 will now restart in a resolution of
- 640*480 pixel at 256 colors and 60Hz refresh. To change
- this resolution use the "Display" application (refer
- also the following chapter "4. Changing the resolution
- after installation").
- NOTE The OpenGL driver is automatically installed with the
- Windows NT 3.5 driver.
- 2.2.1 Installation from diskettes
- If you don't have any installation disks, you can create these using
- your CD-ROM or a downloaded file. There is not enough
- space for all files on one disk you have to create two disks.
- WINNER.DLL, and WINNERMB.DLL on the first disk named "ELSA
- Windows NT 3.51 DISK 1 (VIDEO)". The files on the second disk
- named "ELSA Windows NT 3.51 DISK 2 (VIDEO)" are DISK2,
- README.TXT. Otherwise if you wish to install the driver from
- CD-ROM or a harddisk, all files have to be located in one common
- directory. The path has to be inserted when asked for the
- location of the driver during installation.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3 Changing the resolution after installation
- Start the "Display" dialog, it's "Display Settings" gives you
- the chance to adjust 4 parameters.
- - The "Color Palette" contents selections from "256 Colors" to
- "True Color" depending on the "Desktop Area".
- - The "Desktop Area" depends on the "Refresh Frequency" and
- the "Color Palette".
- - The "Refresh Frequency" allows you to select various refresh
- rates.
- - The "Font Size" lets you select large or small fonts.
- NOTE The "Font Size" selection appears only when you
- have installed Windows NT with "american" language
- settings.
- After selecting a new graphic mode you can check this mode for 5
- seconds. If the test screen is OK, then select "YES". Otherwise
- select "No" and make another selection. Now the well known
- "Display Settings Change" box reappears where you have the
- choice to "Restart" the system or not.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 4 Additional Configuration Options
- 4.1 How to configure the driver
- In the following the settings of an ELSA graphics driver for
- Windows NT and the corresponding entries in the registry database
- will be explained. Changes can be done with the WinCtrl utility
- or manually with the registry editor.
- NOTE Inexperienced users should not make any changes in the
- registry directly! Use the WinCtrl utility!
- 4.1.1 Registry Editor
- Windows NT stores its configuration information in a database
- that is organized in a tree type format. Registry Editor
- enables you to inspect and modify the Registry. To run Registry
- Editor, run REGEDT32.EXE (in the SYSTEM32 directory). You can
- also use the menu "Tools"/"Registry Editor" in the application
- "Windows NT Diagnostics" found in the "Administrative Tools"-
- program group. To edit a value, simply double-click on it to
- invoke an edit dialog.
- The entries for the ELSA WINNER graphics driver are placed in
- the window HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE in the path
- 4.1.2 WinCtrl utility
- Start the ELSA WinCtrl utility doubleclicking the "ELSA WinCtrl"
- icon found in the Control Panel. Changes in WinCtrl will affect
- the entries in the registry. A manual for the WinCtrl utility
- can be found in the file WINCTRLE.WRI.
- 4.2 Multi Screen Options
- Some ELSA graphics adapters can be used in a multi screen mode.
- Two or more adapter cards and just as much monitors are driven
- from one computer. This will result in an enlarged desktop. A
- list with graphics adapters that support multi screen is found
- in 4.2.3.
- 4.2.1 Installing multi screen
- There is no special multi screen installation. After you have
- placed a second ELSA graphics adapter into your computer the
- Control Panel offers you new extended resolution in the
- "Display" utility.
- NOTE There is no special information that multi screen is
- enabled. You can only see this in the extended
- resolutions.
- 4.2.2 Configuration of the multi screen mode
- The entries "DesktopOnMaximize" and "ReverseScreenOrder"
- in the registry database influence the multi screen operation.
- NOTE Look for the frame "Multi Screen Options" in the
- WinCtrl utility.
- DesktopOnMaximize
- This switch adjusts how dialogues and windows are displayed on
- the N screens.
- NOTE Look for "Maximize on all screens" in the WinCtrl
- utility.
- 0x0: When maximizing a window it be displayed only on the
- left screen. Dialogues will appear on the left screen.
- Advantage: Dialogues and windows aren't split by
- screen borders.
- Disadvantage: Dialogues always appear left, even if the
- application runs on the right screen. Position
- settings of MDI-applications (e.g. Microstation) will
- be lost after a restart of the program.
- 0x1: When maximizing a window it fills out all N screens.
- Advantage: Position settings of MDI-applications
- (e.g. Microstation) will be restored after a restart.
- Disadvantage: Dialogues and windows may be displayed on
- screen borders.
- ReverseScreenOrder
- This entry exchanges the order of the N screens.
- NOTE "Reverse screen order" in the WinCtrl utility.
- 0x0: The order of the adapters is 1, 2, ..., N
- 0x1: The order of the adapters is N, ..., 2, 1
- 4.2.3 Supported graphic adapters
- Until now only combinations of equal ELSA graphics adapters
- from the following list are supported:
- WINNER 2000 Pro
- WINNER 2000 Pro/X
- NOTE You can only use adapters with the same memory
- equipment.
- 4.3 Monitor Timings
- With timing files made for your monitor you may:
- - Install new resolutions for a better usage of the
- possibilities supported by your monitor.
- - Modify new timings for a given resolution.
- NOTE Look at the frame "Monitor timings for:" in the WinCtrl
- utility.
- 4.3.1 Configuring the monitor timings
- The registry entries belonging to the monitor timings are
- placed in the subfolder WINNER\DeviceX\.
- Monitor.Select
- This entry selects how the timing file shall be used.
- Ignore: All entries in the timing file will be ignored.
- Prefere: Resolutions listed in the timing file will be favored.
- If the driver supports the same resolution as listed in
- the timing file, the timings of the file will be
- prefered. Driver resolutions without correspondence
- in the timing file are not affected and displayed.
- Exclusive: All standard resolutions of the driver are thrown
- away. Only the new timings of the timing file are
- offered in the "Display"-Tool.
- Monitor.Name
- In Monitor.Name a string to identify the timing entries is
- stored. This should be an identifier for ypur monitor, e.g.:
- Monitor.Timings
- This entry containes binary data with the monitor timings taken
- from the timing file. These values are written by the WinCtrl
- utility.
- 4.3.2 TIM file format
- A file with timing entries has the extension ".TIM". It has to
- be placed in the SYSTEM32 folder of your Windows NT. The files
- containes lines with ASCII text and can be modified with every
- editor (e.g. NOTEPAD.EXE).
- The first line names the timing list (e.g. "ELSA GDM-17E40T").
- This is the string displayed in WinCtrl an stored in
- Monitor.Name. In each of the following lines one timing is
- defined. Every line containes 14 comma separated values.
- The meaning of the values is (in correct order):
- - xRes: Number of pixels in X direction (e.g. 1024).
- - yRes: Number of lines in Y direction (e.g. 768).
- - Bpp: Number of bits for each pixel, for colors (e.g. 16).
- - Hz: Refresh frequency in Hertz (e.g. 79).
- - PxClk: Pixel clock in kHz (z.B. 95455).
- - Ht: Horizontal total in pixels (e.g. 1312).
- - Hfp: Horizontal frontporch in pixels (e.g. 16).
- - Hsw: Horizontal sync-width in pixels (e.g. 96).
- - Hbp: Horizontal backporch in pixels (e.g. 176).
- - Vt: Vertical total in lines (e.g. 800).
- - Vfp: Vertical frontporch in lines (e.g. 1).
- - Vsw: Vertical sync-width in lines (e.g. 3).
- - Vbp: Vertical backporch in lines (e.g. 28).
- - If: Interlaced flag (should allway be 0).
- With the given examples the file would look as follows:
- 1024,768,16,79, 95455, 1312,16,96,176, 800,1,3,28, 0
- 1024,768,32,...
- NOTE On the ELSA drivers CD-ROM there is a DOS utility
- (WINSETUP.EXE) to find out the timings for your
- monitor.
- 4.4 Gloria/OpenGL settings
- The following descriptions are only meant for the ELSA
- Gloria 4/8 graphic adapters. They belong to the 3D extensions
- supported by the OpenGL graphics interface.
- NOTE For all entries there is a correspondence in the WinCtrl
- utility in the frame "GLoria Options"
- 4.4.1 ICD extensions
- The following parameters of the Installable Client Driver (ICD)
- affect the behaviour of the 3D functions on the Gloria.
- ICDInterface.Disable
- This switch enables or disables the OpenGL support by the ICD
- driver.
- NOTE "Disable 3D-Extensions" in WinCtrl.
- 0x0: OpenGL will be supported by the Gloria (default).
- 0x1: Software-OpenGL (no GLint) or OpenGL using 3D-DDI
- ICDInterface.ExportAlpha
- Allows the hardware to use the softwares alpha channel. With
- Programs which don't use the alpha channel this may cause an
- performance loss up to 25 %.
- NOTE "Use alpha channels" in WinCtrl.
- 0x0: The driver doesn't export an alpha channel (default).
- 0x1: The driver exports an alpha channel.
- ICDInterface.NumberOfDisplayBuffers
- This switch enables and disables DoubleBuffering. The entry
- stands for the number of buffers.
- NOTE "OpenGL buffers" in WinCtrl.
- 0x1: Only one display buffer is used; no DoubleBuffering.
- 0x2: DoubleBuffering enabled (default).
- ICDInterface.SizeOfBuffer
- This is used to control the size in longs of the shared memory
- block allocated to each individual rendering context. This
- buffer is used when DMA is disabled or the entire DMA buffer
- is in use. After the next restart this change will take
- effect.
- NOTE "Interface buffer size" in WinCtrl.
- Valid values: 0x100 to 0x10000, the default is 0x10000 (64 kB).
- ICDInterface.SupportSingleBufferedGDI
- This flag decides how GDI and OpenGL commands are handled in
- the same window in the front buffer.
- NOTE "GDI in single buffered modes" in WinCtrl.
- 0x0: GDI commands cannot be drawn in OpenGL windows.
- 0x1: OpenGL and GDI can simultaneously use the front buffer
- (default).
- ICDInterface.SupportDoubleBufferedGDI
- Lets OpenGL export the ability to let OpenGL and GDI draw in the
- back buffer.
- NOTE "GDI in double buffered modes" in WinCtrl.
- 0x0: GDI commands cannot be drawn in OpenGL windows
- (default).
- 0x1: OpenGL and GDI can simultaneously use the back buffer.
- NOTE It exports the flag but all GDI calls are drawn in the
- front buffer!
- 4.4.2 GLint-DMA settings
- The parameters of the GLintDMA group configure the DMA
- capabilities of the GLint.
- GLintDMA.NumberOfBuffers
- This is used to determine the number of individual DMA buffers
- that can be in use at any one time. After the next restart this
- change will take effect.
- NOTE "DMA buffers" in WinCtrl.
- Valid values: 0x0 to 0x4, the default is 0x4.
- GLintDMA.NumberOfSubBuffers
- Used to control the ICD drivers subdivision of the DMA buffer.
- NOTE "DMA subbuffers" in WinCtrl.
- Valid values: 0x0 to 0x9, the default is 0x5.
- GLintDMA.SizeOfBuffer
- This is the total size of the DMA buffer which is devided up
- amongst the individual processes that use DMA. After the next
- restart this change will take effect.
- NOTE "DMA buffer size" in WinCtrl.
- Valid values: 0x100 to 0x10000, the default is 0x8000 (32 kB).
- GLintDMA.CachedBuffers
- This switch enables the driver to cache GLint data in the
- processors cache. Though the GLint reads all date from the
- main memory, differences between memory and cache may appear.
- After the next restart this change will take effect.
- NOTE "Cached DMA" in WinCtrl.
- 0x0: forces uncached DMA
- 0x1: forces cached DMA
- 0x2: let the driver decide whether it uses cached or non
- cached DMA (default).
- 4.4.3 OpenGL.UseFastClear
- This value affects the usage of fast clear planes. When running
- multi-threaded applications it may be necessary to disable the
- useen of the fast clear planes. After the next restart this
- change will take effect.
- NOTE "Use Fast Clear Pages" in WinCtrl.
- 0x0: Fast clear planes disabled.
- 0x1: Fast clear planes enabled
- NOTE For MicroStation this switch has to be set!
- 4.4.4 OpenGL.UseHiQualityTexture
- This switch affects the precision and resolution for
- texture mapping.
- 0x0: Normal precision and resolution
- 0x1: High precision and resolution
- 4.5 Other settings
- 4.5.1 3DDDI.Disable
- This switch enables or disables the drivers support for 3D-DDI.
- NOTE "Disable 3D-DDI" in WinCtrl.
- 0x0: 3D-DDI is enabled
- 0x1: 3D-DDI is disabled (default)
- NOTE 3D-DDI will not be supported in further versions though
- Microsoft will stop all developements on 3D-DDI.
- 4.6 DCI
- The driver supports primary surfaces. In Windows NT 4.0 this
- support will be dropped.
- 4.7 ELSA POWERlib
- ELSA offers optional for the programmer the toolkit POWERlib
- for creating your own applications using the ELSA graphics
- board for graphical output. This tool is available for Windows
- NT.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 5 History
- 5.1 New features
- Ver. 3, Build 007:
- - Uses new init code
- Ver. 3, Build 022:
- - New cursor handling for OpenInventor apps
- Ver. 3, Build 023:
- - New init code
- Ver. 4, Build 001:
- - Performance monitoring is now supported
- - 3DDDI is implmented (beta)
- - Monitor specific timings are now supported
- Ver. 4, Build 012:
- - New init code
- 5.2 Fixed bugs
- Ver. 3, Build 004:
- - System hang after leaving GLdemo.
- Ver. 3, Build 007:
- - FClear problems are fixed
- - The default resolution 640*480*8 at 60Hz runs now.
- Ver. 3, Build 021:
- - Cursor flickering is now fixed
- Ver. 3, Build 022:
- - Cursor flashing at SetCursor is now fixed
- Ver. 3, Build 023:
- - Reboot problems on TRIO/V are fixed
- Ver. 3, Build 025:
- - Minor video mode problems on TRIO/V are fixed
- Ver. 3, Build 026:
- - GDI drew into back buffer on GLoria
- Ver. 3, Build 027:
- - Reboot problems on newer TRIO boards
- - Character clipping on 24bpp (packed) on ProX boards
- Ver. 4, Build 007:
- - Protection fault runnig paintbrush and HCT on WINNER TRIO/V (Stretch)
- Ver. 4, Build 008:
- - Some annoying lines in a special blit function.
- Ver. 4, Build 010:
- - Resource conflict between drivers 'Physical Memory' and
- 5.2 Known Problems
- - If the application under OpenGL requests "Double Buffering"
- and the GLoria cannot realize it anymore (1024x768x32 bpp),
- software emulation will be automatically installed.
- To force hardware OpenGL you have to disable double buffering
- in your application!
- - The driver cannot run on a system where a COM4 port is
- installed.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------